
"Finoko" NBCO OJSC won the 3rd place in the "Support to Women and Young entrepreneurs" competition.

The "Support to Women and Young Entrepreneurs" competition held by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund among representatives of authorized credit organizations to promote the financing of businesses related to women and young entrepreneurs has ended.

Since the number of presented projects is the same (3 projects each), the total amount of funds to be allocated to the project was taken as a criterion to determine the status of the winners.

According to the decision of the competition commission, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place - Elshan Askerov, representative of "Agrarkredit" CJSC BOKT, with 3 projects (37,000 manats);
2nd place - Abulfaz Rustamov, representative of "Bank Respublika" OJSC, with 3 projects (34,000 manats);
3rd place - Boyukaga Mammadov, representative of "Finoko" BOKT OJSC, with 3 projects (15,000 manats).

The winners were awarded diplomas and cash prizes
2022-12-29 10:00