Providing loans at the expense of the funds in order to support the development of entrepreneurship in the country
Period - up to 36 months
Amount - up to 50 000 manats
Interest rate - 5%
Purpose of the loan (priority areas of the economy)
Food industry
Light industry
Limit and duration of the loan
for small loans from 5,000 to 50,000 manats - up to 3 (three) years;
The grace period for using loans is 12 months. During the grace period, business entities pay only interest debts, and do not make any payments on the principal debt.
Loan interest and commission fee
Annual interest rate - 5 %
Commission fee to the extent determined by NBCO for credit evaluation and other services provided.
Payment of loan and interest
Payment of the interest calculated on the loan not less than once a month;
The payment of the principal debt is paid starting from the period stipulated in the loan agreement after the end of the grace period applied to the principal debt.